Educational Services As access to higher education has improved, more people with disabilities are graduating withcollege degrees and seeking competitive employment. Unfortunately, those employmentnumbers are not growing at an equal rate to the students graduating. Approximately 30% ofcollege graduates with disabilities are employed; compared to more than 70% of collegegraduates without disabilities. Applying our direct experience in higher education disability services and coaching, E&EConsulting Solutions provides Educational Services to students with disabilities to help themnavigate the job search and hiring process equally. We do this by assisting with the transitionfrom the academic environment, including shifting from academic to workplace accommodations; providing career counseling and work readiness skills; assessing internal andexternal barriers preventing them from entering the workforce; helping them disclose theirdisability when and how they need and want; and connecting them with valuable communityresources to secure meaningful employment, including the Pathway Program with the federalgovernment and job placement assistance through their state Vocational RehabilitationServices. Additionally, the E&E CEO served as a volunteer recruiter with the Workforce Development Program with the federal government and brings established relationships with thePathway Program, both outreach opportunities that open employment doors and importantcareer prospects for students with disabilities.